Step 7: Keep going…
…Continue adding/learning/reviewing plan/gear as life changes.
This step is the step that you do for the rest of time.
You keep learning, growing, refining, practicing, rotating items, replacing, so that when something happens, you truly are ready.
A really important point in this step is worth having it’s own blog post:
making sure expired/soon to expire things are rotated out and that everything remains ready/working for when something happens.
Think of it this way:
You get your Bug Out Bags, Stay at Home Kit and Car Kits ready to go. Then you leave them in their preferred spot, waiting for something to happen. You never open your packs, go through them, ensure everything is in working order or that food is within it’s best by period. 10 years goes by, and you feel good because you’re ready for any disaster. Right?
All your food is expired.
You forgot most of your first aid training
Headlamp batteries have leaked
Your food stash is filled with mice/rat poop
Your clothing has degraded so the elastics are completely shot
Your kids have outgrown the clothes you set aside for them
Your tent has a moldy smell.
Continually checking, replacing, rotating, adding, and refining your kits is a great way to stay mentally ready, and be actually physically ready for anything that happens.
Do a 6-month check. Set a reminder for every 6 months and check and replenish all expired food, water, medicines and other perishable supplies. Also make sure to replace items that will expire within the next six months (before your next check). Feel free to do a full check of everything in your kit at this time, or do a once yearly overhaul/check of your kits.
Some ideas for staying on top of your preparedness:
Keep your doc visits/medical issues up to date. Stay (or get) fit. Try to keep your stress low, and if that’s impossible (if your job is super stressful for example), make sure you have built-in ways to help you deal with that stress in your life.
Food expires - keep your kit in a cool, dark place. Use the first in, first out rule and rotate through it regularly (once or twice a year), so that you’re not wasting food, and everything in your kits is still edible. Don’t forget to regularly rotate your water. You can even use it to water your little food grow op.
You forget things - like first aid training, how to build a fire, the steps to fix your generator, etc. Stay on top of your training/skills and make sure your credentials stay up to date. It’s often cheaper and easier to renew things like first aid certs, than it is to do the entire course again. Better yet, continually upgrade your skills.
Batteries leak - check them, replace them, and keep spares (even keep a spare headlamp with batteries out). Replace all batteries every 3-5 years even if they look/work fine (check the dates on them).
Equipment stops working (like headlamps, etc.), especially if batteries have leaked in them - maintain all your electronics/anything with moving parts.
Animals/pests can infiltrate your kits rendering everything contaminated and/or totally unusable, which means, your entire kit may be completely useless. Make sure your kits are in impenetrable containers and that you stay on top of all pest control.
Things get old - like anything with elastic/stretchiness slowly degrades. (like when you go to put on those old sweat pants and the elastic cracks. Replace clothing/anything that can degrade.
people change/kids grow - clothes you put in last year, might not fit anyone anymore (especially if you’ve gone from out of shape to crossfit athlete). Update clothing once or twice a year.
Remove things you no longer need. Baby formula, diapers, etc. are things that immediately come to mind. Medications, etc. are also in this category.
Review important documents and update as needed. Updated insurance/coverage/policies, and things like medication lists yearly and add updated family photos (physical/usb).
mold is a real pain - make sure you pack away all gear when it’s completely dry (you can even put in little moisture absorbing packs to make sure). It’s absolutely devastating to food and water supplies. And do a twice yearly gear check to make sure everything is still in good shape and mold free.
Contact information changes - update your contact list at least twice a year.
Money is in constant flux, but over time, it usually becomes less valuable. Meaning, you might need to constantly add to your stash over time to keep up with inflation and the “cost of things”. You might not notice, but do a fun little experiment - on a piece of paper write down the average cost of things you might need to buy in an emergency: tank of gas, hotel room, bottles of water, etc. Keep it in your emergency kit and each time you do a yearly check, write in new prices next to the old with the date.
That’s looks like a LOT to stay on top of - but in reality, most of those things can all be done when you do your yearly check. If you’re doing it properly, each time you check your kit, the changes should be minimal. Don’t leave it. Set an alarm/reminder for every six months and do it.
Just a reminder: I’m no expert and nothing in any post/blog/section of this website should be taken as advice. I just want to be prepared so I can worry less, and enjoy life more and I wanted to share it with you! What’s missing here? What do you need to stay on top of to make sure your kits are always good to go? Any tips/tricks you have for me - let me know! :)