Hi! Welcome to Prepping for the Reluctant Prepper
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I’m a brand new prepper, long time listener. Ha. Basically, I’m delving head-first into prepping for myself and my family, and I’d love to share my journey with you.
I have a lot of experience with outdoor activities; camping, hiking, rock climbing, sea kayaking, and more. I also have a long list of standard first aid courses that I’ve kept current over the years. I’ve always been interested in getting supplies sorted so that we’re ready for anything, and I’m really good at packing for a day out with the kids to cover the most likely scenarios - diaper blow out, hangry kids, unexpected weather, etc. But these have mostly been just getting ready for days out or a singular event, like a snowstorm that forecast ahead of time.
I’ve never properly sat down and got a comprehensive plan and list together of things we should have in order to be ready for emergencies. I always thought, well, we’ll probably be fine. We can just grab things and go if we need to, right? There’s a tent and a water filter down in the garage somewhere. But the more I hear of people being displaced by extreme weather events, living through a pandemic, and having a few things happen in our personal lives that would count as “emergencies”, I realize that we are distinctly under-prepared if something were to happen. Instead of staying up, worrying and stressing about all the things that could happen, it makes sense to do something about it.
Positivity and always hoping for the best won’t get you prepared for when the worst happens.
So we hope for the best, while we prep for the worst.
This blog, my website and social media are not meant to be advice. I’m no pro, and I’m brand new to prepping - I’m just sharing my own personal journey with you. So please don’t think the info on this site will prepare you for your own personal situations. Do your own research and figure out what YOU need.
Welcome to Prepping for the Reluctant Prepper. Join me as I learn the basics of prepping and share what I’m learning along the way. And feel free to share your best tips for prepping with me!